Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mexico City

We checked out Mexico City today with our good friend and promoter, Chema, & his friend Sam. First we interviewed and played some songs we love on The Reactor 105.7fm radio with our new friend Ariadna. Thanks for having us. Then we had a few hours to run around the city and look at stuff. It's a beautiful place.

The city was beautiful and so was the food at the Vegetarian taco place..mmm. We found a few minutes to stop at the Frida Kahlo museum too before sound check. The show is in an amazing old church. There is something really satisfying about rocking in an old church..Right now I'm in the hotel gathering some more strength to rock as best I can. It's been a long 2 days and its not gonna end til the 8 shows are over. There are some extremely stoked kids lined all the way down the block. Vamos!

Honestly... I was just checking what I wrote above for typos and was about to send it and I just got a text message from our tour manager, Kate. Here is exactly what it says: "Can you wait to come back for another half hour or more? The show is sold out and there's almost a riot outside!" †Hasta Luego...

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