Friday, September 12, 2008

Chapter 7: Tidal Waves In Space

I'm not particularly inspired to write at the moment. Sometimes an idea, or a moment hits me like a brick and I know I have to let that be the starting gate. Right now I have nowhere to start but here. Here is good. Here is just fine. You never know what here could turn into either if you just start walking somewhere with it. So we are already walking and the scenery is popping up on the page, landscapes are rising and falling, suns are shining and clouds are passing determined to bring shadows and accents of color.

I don't need to say anything about anything at the moment but the itch is still there. Something compels me to keep on making words move along the screen from left to right, filling up the page. Filling up my moments with something from nothing. The nothing has a definition and a description to clarify its ambiguity with each word the curtain is pulled aside to reveal just a bit more. What's there? What do you see? Nothing? Something? Can you describe it?

I am sitting in a room with blue walls a paint chipped door and a few pictures on the wall. There are four bulbs coming down from a ceiling fan in the middle of the ceiling and one of the lights is out. There is an acoustic guitar laying on the end of the bed waiting to be played anytime. She is never to busy to play. Never pre-occupied or not in the mood. Well, unless her strings break.

Beyond this tiny lit scope of physical reality I have dreams of endless potential. In my mind's eye I exist everywhere simultaneously with everything right now stretching out at light speed past huge stars and freezing cold planets. Tidal waves crash in front of my eyes, consume everything and fade to black. Still I exist. I am.

The words move across the page and I am. I stop typing and I am. The hurricane destroys and I am. People pass on, clocks tick, bodies age, lightning strikes, the earth spins, the sun explodes, the heart of the mountain beats so quietly you can't hear it with a stethoscope. I am there. I am here. I am with you.

Good Night

1 comment:

Liz Baillie said...

This reminds me of junior high school when my best friend and I were challenged to somehow have a conversation about the most seemingly boring subjects possible to see if we could make it interesting enough to talk about. Someone would throw a subject at us - "Doorknobs! Floor wax! Dust! Lint!" - and we would always come out with some insane 15 minute long conversation about it. At one point we even made a little movie about lint, which was maybe my favorite of all the silly movies we made. It was great. Like this entry is.